My gues is that it won't end because of taxes, ROI, or legislation. i think it will be legal action based upon a complant of unequal application...
What does "Gonl" mean?
It was all my fault. While watching the game, I tried to press the closed-captioning button on my remote. But, I accidentally pressed the button...
THIS is exactly what I'm talking about: "I'm a better fan than you because you're negative, addled, trolls, and ridiculous" I'm gonna start...
I assume you realize that I posted with tongue firmly in cheek. The point is: no one, but no one, on this board has expressed anything but...
Missing 5 receivers might be a blessing in disguise. Maybe AR will have to run the ball, sometimes.
Dear Mr. Maggard, it sounds to me like you're saying that CBN's job isn't getting done. And you're blaming UF fans for not letting him do his...
Care to elaborate, Babe?
Apparently, everybody and their brother knows it. It's probably a very safe assumption that CBN knows it too. And yet, Coach dismissed him from...
So: he's averaging 15 carries/gm in the NFL, but averaged less than 7/gm at UF. Fabulous.
Wait. Wut? Who is more than halfway to Taiwan?
Require every DB to wear glasses that make a 5-yard cushion appear to be 12 yards.
I'm not sold on last year being a bad hire. Maybe I'm wrong, but it sounded to me like he told some players the unvarnished truth and they...
My sister and brother-in-law live there, too. And, they also stayed. Last we heard from them, they were in the calm of the eye. Ever since,...
Just watched the final 35 minutes of tonight's match agains Ole Miss. It was my first opportunity to see them this year. They got off one...
I think UF soccer has been going downhill since Savannah Jordan was a soph. Her talent hid some of it, but UF hasn't played well as a team in...
Texas correctly points out that (font) size matters.
Texas would like to recommend that Alaska recheck their math: dividing 6 letters in half does NOT result in each half being bigger than 5 letters.
In your example, at least SCOTUS was addressing something actually written in the Constitution. That is the issue, isn't it? Abortion isn't in...
Let's stop sparring, shall we? Bringing up Plessy is a diversion. You said Dobbs is 100% anti-abortion. That statement is patently incorrect,...