Not a penalty in a rivalry game!!
If you're FSU fan how are you not calling for Norvells head? Playing a 6-5 team, with 4 wrs out, at home, against a qb that hasn't completed a...
Happens like, every single game.
My thoughts exactly. He's a 4th round project in a 1st round body, and if he comes back fine, if not, won't lose a wink.
If AR does come back next year I hope they get him a helmet that fits or he's taught how to strap it up.
Sure seems like it doesn't it.
Stop throwing to Douglas. Those are tough catches, but he's obviously not going to make them.
Great throw, but great job by the Safety. Dangit.
Ones a dawg and one plays football because he's a specimen and would be dumb not to. I'll take the dawg in hs or college every time.
You would think after like the 5th time that outside Blitzer would maintain contain but nope.
Trusting that his "NFL 1st rounder" can hit a simple swing pass.
Great job by the secondary on that set of downs. Tightened up big time.
How could you NOT worship Norvell. He isolated a WR on an LB. To quote Osweiler "GENIUS!"
She would definitely have less of a crush on Norvell if ya know whatta mean.
Dude tried to jump in just to mention BN and the other clown goes RIGHT BACK to Norvells greatness, how amazing FSU is in the classroom. Never...
Damn, he puts that on him and it's 6!!
That's the stuff of nightmares. But still better than the real thing, cuz no voice.
Saying AR is up and down is the reason he's not coaching UF tonight? I think there's probably more to it then that. Then again I'm not a UF coach,...
That's inexcusable.