Yes. If we're the home team, we're getting spared the embarrassment of "Won't Back Down" while getting curb stomped.
This is long, but worth a look if you want to get some insight on Sasse's philosophy as regards youth culture and academia. [MEDIA]
How about "That's alright! That's okay! We don't need it anyway!" after a missed kick in overtime?
We should have played "Take It Easy" while Dan Mullen was here.
Preferred but not required. Think of what he could accomplish with all the money he could make sucking at coaching like the last 3 or 4 we've...
No. It's the result of putting fat people in commercials.
The refs have abandoned Bama today. If they got called like they should every week, they'd might be thought of as downright sloppy and undisciplined.
Corporate welfare at its best, handing Bama a free touchdown.
Better to just delete it. Nothing deserves to be sent there.
Our democracy is in danger!
November 8th. [MEDIA]
Well, there you go.
Here's Roberto Clemente: Pride of the Pittsburgh Pirates. Again, I don't know why it was banned. The story about Roberto's lukewarm...
Here's Henry Aaron's Dream. I honestly don't know why it's banned. Were all of these books just banned this year? For all I know, this book...
The guy in the Barney suit is now charging women $350 for the privilege of servicing him. I wonder how inclusive his business practices are,...
He might not have looked so different from some of his more recent TV and movie portrayals as from Renaissance depictions.
Not gonna happen. At least not this time.
[IMG] :oops:
To annoy you. It worked.
Most Danish mermaids are.