I don't believe in Jesus and when I help someone I don't do it for self glory. And are you sure its not of works? Without Jesus you wouldn't help...
Another take that shows you don't get it. You should stop criticizing things you don't understand .
To see the big picture, you have to see the little things -- which you clearly refuse to acknowledge. I hope one day for you, and if you have...
Nah, 45% of the population doesn't take the time to understand why decriminalizing drugs, having supervised illegal drug injection sites etc are...
This is such a stupid take that shows you have zero grasp of reality its embarrassing.
Or he is just a normal person that doesn't need religion to do something nice for someone. I bet you a lot of "entitled, self absorbed young...
Trask could throw guys open
I don’t think it’s hard to figure out. You did attend a top 5 public uni. I would assume you posses suffice critical thinking skills by seeing...
Most of our fans are delusional. They almost beat us last year. Not sure why anyone thought this game was an automatic W to begin with.
There is only one reason this article was written.
Gator fans think their shit doesn't stink. We spend more time talking shit/trashing other programs than worrying about our own.
Same here
I'd check your post history first before dropping that claim on someone else.
You've mistakenly ID'd "woke" people as christian nationalists. And I know next you're going to be like well "woke" people are so angry -- well...
lol, this is so rich.
Most have zero self awareness or knowledge about what they follow either.
Sounds like a movie Oliver Stone would make in collaboration with Clint Eastwood.