A persons first amendment rights stop where another persons 1st amendment rights begin
edit it for you 2025
well one democrat with some
Together we can make America Great again
Now if the gators can defeat LSU and the Noles lose what can be better
What about Spartacus
i thank it would be fair to say that McLean intentionally tried to pressure her I also tend to believe Ford left it up to her layers to call her...
The FBI interviewed the following ten individuals: Ford Allegations The three individuals identified by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as having...
getting bad when you cannot count on your own best friend to back you up. With friends like that Ford does not need any enemies
when you look at the whole ball of wax it leaves no doubt that this a political hit job that backfired on the Democrats
This really getting fun as now Ford is calling Keyser who Ford named as member of the party but would not back her up is calling Keyser a liar...
[ The day a well qualified person misses out on a SC nomination because some dingbat makes allegations against them she cannot prove and cannot...
democrats dont have a snowball in hell chanch of winning Tx and Tn The only reason polls in Tn are close is because two liberal left wing polls...
and Reid did not do the same thing first.
People need to get over this crap that because Ford has made some wild accusations that she cannot back up that she needs to be treated with kid...
u Dont count on that the republicans smell blood and are pissed will turn out in large numbers as they see the opportunity to pick up a good 3 seats
It may not be over till the fat lady sings but she sure is warming up now
this per a FBI agent background checks normally go back 10 years but may go to 18th birthday: " Retired Special Agent in Charge Weysan Dun spent...
Read the executive summary of the FBI’s supplemental investigation into Kavanaugh allegations Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley,...