It’s just very upsetting when a black actor takes a role that was originally created for a white actor. I haven’t been this upset since black...
I believe there was evidence that McDonald’s had memos about the coffee being scalding hot. It wasn’t just “hot” coffee.
You can’t possibly be serious
Tourists from San Francisco.
This sounds like an answer you would give to a 5 year old when they ask how a volcano erupting on the other side of the world affects us. But...
Crazy people never think they’re crazy. Sometimes they think they’re Indiana Jones. I’m speaking in generalities if course.
The crazy part is someone watched the video and decided not to arrest them. They chased an unarmed man while they are armed. The man did what...
I think a lot of people assume it's just a kids show. However, it is currently #2 on Netflix so it does have an audience, but none of the younger...
I had the Pfizer vaccine in March. Mild headache after the 2nd shot. FIL got Moderna and died 2 days after the 2nd shot. With his health...
A few phone calls from Rolling Stone to ERs would have been the minimum they should have done before publishing the story. They wouldn’t even do...
This is typical. Most police aren’t trigger happy regardless of who they are dealing with.
There's potentially more than one type of bias in play here. In addition to racial, which is what I assume you are talking about, there is also...
Suspected, yes. This makes a conviction much easier.
This is correct. I know in my neighborhood we'll go through periods of time (usually when school is out and the weather is nice) where people...
I've also called the non-emergency police line which I had to look up. It wasn't a situation where I felt the need to grab a gun and chase someone.
Enough of an emergency to chase him down in your truck with guns but not enough to call 911.
It doesn't surprise me when stupid people do stupid things, even if one of them is trained. This was a "get your gun and let's go get him"...
If Arbery's family decides to proceed with a citizen's arrest of these 3 guys, are they allowed to chase them around with guns? If any of the...
Probably to disarm the closest person that is chasing him with a gun. He's obviously still at a disadvantage but he is better off if he has a gun...