You keep fixating on this rather than address the topic of discussion: DeSatis troubling behavior.
No, it’s not relevant, it’s standard whataboutism. I think you really like DeSantis chances to get back the white house which leads you dismiss...
Because we are talking about DeSantis behavior, not some other governors that have little chance of ending in the White House.
So whataboutism? I liked what I saw in DeSantis early on. But his behavior as of late is very concerning to a moderate like me. He doesn’t just...
And now going after university professors which will end up hurting our in state schools. Very troubling what we are seeing out of DeSantis.
90% of foreign military bases are ours. I believe you don’t know what you are talking about.
What exactly is a liberal communist flag? The largest US foreign military bases are in Germany, Japan, South Korea, Italy. Do you see a theme...
Not what I was arguing in this particular exchange.
The method is a different topic.
So we are arguing to that superpowers no longer try to control the world?
It is still what we do, and will always be. Same as it ever was.
It’s not positive or negative. It’s facts. We also try to dominate the world. To make it safer for us, our allies and our interests. That was my...
Who said it was awful?
What moral equivalence? I was disagreeing with his statement about Russia and China wanting to dominate the world being unique. And to answer your...
How is this not exactly what we do as well? And the British back in their day? And the Spaniards before them? It’s not communist DNA. It’s what...
The usual suspects can’t help themselves.
Next time I hit the strip club I will stay clear of the Russian gals. You are welcome.
W is a subject matter expert on unprovoked and unjustified invasions.
They won't. Because systemic racism isn't real you know.