Siding on the other side of the fence on one law does not mean that my framework is different. It simply means there is a difference of opinion...
I have said that the state exists to administer person to person justice. So, laws primarily are focused on fair treatment between people when...
Going to answer this in the best way I know how. In the creation account found in the Torah, God said: Let us make man in our image, after our...
The rights to define justice belong not to Karl Marx, Margaret Sanger, democracy, the Democratic Party, or any other man. Justice belongs to...
Romans 13 certainly justifies the state's use of the death penalty for murderers. No question. It does not matter who the murderer is. God is...
I think this needs to be responded to. What makes the capital punishment of murder unique is it is the only capital crime given pre-Sinai. The...
Justice. The purpose of the state is the administration of person to person justice. A powerful person paying another powerful person to kill a...
In the days of Noah, the earth was filled with violence. This is what moved God to flood the earth. After God drowned the violent inhabitants of...
Whatever the other death row murderers get in North Carolina that will be fine.
Good. Premeditated murder is a capital crime. That is the way it should be.
Yep, it is a slam dunk as far as evidence is concerned. The Bible says it. Case closed. The only correct response to it is to repent and bring...
The type of movement is not what makes the passage so forceful in the debate. The important word there is joy. It points to the undeniable image...
Read Luke chapter 1. An in utero John the Baptist, conceived at the very least 6 months before Jesus, leaping for joy at the presence of an in...
Oh my goodness. So scary. The government has to obey the constitution. :eek::mad::confused::( The government has to pass just laws in the...
I don't think woke is always used in a derogatory sense. My purpose in using it is not to put anyone down. It is descriptive of an ideology that...
Lol, more fearmongering so liberals can huddle in their houses, chatter their teeth, bite their nails, and worry that the boogie man is coming to...
Not at all. Nazis called Jews sub-human parasites that were non-persons. In 1936 the Reichsgricht, the German supreme court, ruled that Jews...
If you lived in Nazi Germany and a Nazi told you to mind your own business and stop cramming your view down everyone's throat, what would you say?
There are cases where both the mother and the baby are in danger. So, it is not always choosing one over the other. A lot of times it is a...
I don't know what the definition of force is in your dictionary. If someone had each limb dismembered off their body and then their skull was...