Goal Post officially moved
Let me ask this. For all you who think Christians are preaching their views and shoving them down your throat. First, how many times has that...
So how does one force their beliefs on you?
I find it comical that those who think they know so much, know so little. God is all about love. God is about forgiveness. We are an imperfect...
Under Biden over 300,000 COVID Deaths. Almost 45% of total deaths under his watchful control and had a vaccine his entire presidency. Talk about...
Some of the folks on this board are so comical. You all rant and rave about Trump and his lawyers not being able to get any of their cases into...
Where is all the outrage with the cops using mace???? That was all the rage in the summer when the cops did anything against you all beloved anifa...
So if a judge won't hear the case, as in most all of Trumps cases that judges wouldn't hear, does that mean there was no defamation?