The deference Trump showed to Putin was historical. Never had I imagined a POTUS agreeing with Putin over our own national security intelligence....
I also think both Trump and Putin underestimated Ukraine and Zelensky, and maybe, Putin was trying to help Trump politically by invading, as Trump...
I hadn't thought beyond Russia pulling out, you bring up really good points about what accountability Russia now faces.
Send love letters and flowery videos? Zelensky is demonstrating remarkable leadership and making Putin look like an insane war criminal. Along...
And the Biden administration's response. I mean what can you say when an ex-POTUS fawns over a Dictator, especially one that has turned his...
Thank you - I will read up on the link
I understand the difference, I'm asking if there is any evidence that forming an antibody from different epitopes on Covid other than the spike...
What's the basis for your thought there? Do you know of any research that the antibodies formed from the virus, which you call 'natural' immunity,...
In comparison to other states though, Florida is 27th from the bottom, above most of the red states, and below nearly all blue states. He needs to...
The good news is that the vaccine reduces the percent of critically ill patients and hospitalizations
I don't know, the policy of anti-vaccination for political gain seems like a self-resolving outcome
'We Retract and Disavow Our Statements': Seth Rich's Brother Wins Apology from Conspiracy Theorists Not Dominion related, but another right wing...
You really have to read the recent Denmark mask-wearing study carefully, which was a well-done clinical study (ACP Journals). They point out that...
It's a really interesting paper, thanks for sharing it. However, your conclusion (not the paper's) that Asian populations are immune because of...
I just saw this - it's almost as though this administration is trying to burn down the country because Trump lost. And Republicans seem completely...
Right, I was too quick in response after re-reading your post. The biggest concern I can see from schools being open is bringing it home and...
There were about 600,000 deaths worldwide from H1N1, only 13,000 deaths in the US. Bush handed Obama a pandemic playbook, which his...
'They didn't run the plays': Ex-officials say Trump administration didn't use pandemic 'playbooks' A short article on the risk of pandemic,...
US sets record 55,274 Covid cases today - this is becoming a national health care disaster. Without a coordinated national effort starting now we...
Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) 113,000 deaths due to Covid-19 as of July 4. Americans can no longer travel to...