I mean, you're following the data from an administration that blocked the ivermectin pill for humans that won a Nobel prize and now are passing...
we all know that 99 is not the number as many people died with Covid but not because of Covid. So, it's most likely better that 99.9. It is for...
That's just not true. Please share with us how the lower class and middle class advanced in yearly earnings.
These decisions by Obama are meant to cripple our country.
That's just not intelligent. How many fully vaxed people have had Covid multiple times? You act as if the unvaccinated are the spreaders. That...
Coming from the guy who didn't read the article.
I don't recommend getting health information from Fauci. I get most of you here might catch fire from reading the Blaze. The data is not from...
Not leaky ones that science is turning on. Horowitz: The very concerning data from Scotland
These sites can't get the regeneron because the Feds are blocking it to the states. FL is trying to bypass the Feds and purchase on their own. I...
because there is no study on the long term effects. If you know the virus presents very little risk, why would you take the risk of possibly...
From your article : The hospitalization rate among these kids has surged since mid-December to more than 4 in 100,000 children. Up 2.5. Does...
The truly grotesque part of that interview was vaccinating children under the age of 5 with an emergency medicine that they do not need. Sickos.
Then there is this guy. The CEO of Pfizer : [MEDIA] [01:35] “We know the two-dose vaccine offers very limited protection, if any. The three...
People on the left are fascinated with the bureaucrat Fauci. He's a HollyWeird Star. Everyone else thinks he is a fraud and really bad at his...
The DeltaCron is here. I have been saying we would get by far the scariest named variant right before elections, but didn't think it would come...
Trump still pushes the vaccine. If you are wearing a proper fitted mask like the N95 then you are helping others. Unfortunately, most masks are...
That would not be accurate or even close. Share some facts.
Why do you call words from ones lips BS? They said the vaccine would stop transmission. I didn't say it. How is that BS? They said if you got...
It's amazing to me how so many of you fall in line with the media, elected and non elected officials. It really amazes me that you trust the...