I was going to post a tweet but it has f’s in it. So I will instead copy the text and remove the words that give some around here the vapors:...
An interesting possible last ditch treatment for the patients suffering the worst effects… Exploring a New Weapon Against COVID-19 Cytokine Storm
Has there been any research concluded on whether being fully vaxed helps reduce your chances of transmission to others? I know this was an open...
Will the tragedies from this fiasco never end?!?!?! UK facing garden gnome shortage following the Suez Canal fiasco
It’s free! (H/t Bloomberg news)
I spoke to a maritime lawyer. He said it’s just a matter of time before someone Suez.
I’d guess Exxon Valdez. Costa Concordia was probably the worst for luxury liners.
Admiralty law limits that liability, at least in the United States. And international maritime law is all kinds of antiquated.
Someone get these folks some oranges. [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
Yikes. That traffic jam... *eek* [MEDIA]
Yeah, that's all kinds of messy. I was thinking of checking out the Jerusalem Post to see what they're saying about it. EDIT: Suez Canal blocked...
Oh jeez. I can imagine the problems that's going to cause. Anything from the Mediterranean will be unable to get to the Indian Ocean unless it...
On the list of things you just can't make up... [MEDIA]
I find comments like this so depressing, as it demonstrates the utter ignorance some people have in the American justice system. Many of Trump’s...
It becomes an additional claim if you do. Spoilation of evidence. And it stops them from destroying documents as part of their standard document...
Pretty sure this will make it into the Senate trial. [MEDIA]
Treason is not going to be charged. It is specifically defined in the Constitution and has a higher proof requirement, needing the testimony of...