He can swap loser stories now with Mike Martin.
Pulling Snell was a dumb move but they scored 1 run, Snell wasn't going to toss a shutout, the O gets a lot of blame here as well.
That was indefensible.
I understand why he called that, they went from 2 on nobody out to 2 on 2 out, probably felt a steal of home was the only way they were getting a...
Have to get them tonight, kick them while they are down and put them on the edge.
Nice couple of days of baseball, the cheating stros are out and the Braves once again flame out. Go Rays in the series :D
Once you reach the playoffs it's all even, I know it happens all the time in the NHL :D but blowing a 3-0 lead in baseball is once a century type...
Blowing a 3-0 series lead, to a cheating scum bag bunch like the Astros is worthy of the team being moved to Montreal.
Why would anyone root for the Braves? ;)
If the Rays can't pull this off there will be no teams worth cheering for left.
I know people are going to hop all over the admin over this, but if a guy doesn't want the job there is jack squat you can do about it.
Nebraska is a dead program, they aren't in a recruiting hot bed, the last time they were good most recruits weren't even alive, they were foolish...
Kelly buzz...as cold as Gainesville when this picture was taken [IMG]
The Shannon blurb sounds like bull, you don't fly the squad up to meet a guy you are going to force assistants on.
The president of the University of Florida.
Sometimes it's awesome to live in the future.
He was always going to wait on the UCLA job and not sign anything. We were his backup, he took us for a ride.
How is it not? Ho Ho Ho