I think it’s funny that you found a fiscal conservative streak now. I don’t agree with Pelosi but I think that 3 trillion is maybe a half year of...
Where did we get the trillions for the first bailouts and the socialist farm subsidies program?
I haven't been following Cali but that seems crazy. We do a lot of business out there (we are in GA) and the big orders turned back on a month...
If you want to adjust for population, you may also want to adjust for the "minor" advances in medicine over the last 102 years. You think that...
Yup. People can't get it through their heads that disliking trump doesn't automatically mean liberal. As a reminder, the majority of military...
How were you able to get out of flu shots and work in a hospital? Most of them i worked in required a flu shot.
Good book called "Live Dirty, Eat Clean" by Robynne Chutkan on this topic. She also did a podcast with Rich Roll if you are into podcasts.
As g75 notes, some deaths are going to be very skewed as a result of covid (auto accidents..,,).
The US military is banning anyone who had COVID-19 from enlisting, according to a new memo This seems odd to me. Maybe they are worried about...
Yup, and it is always the same posters.
Because this original comment was ridiculous. You say you are not insinuating anything, but it sure seems like you are and your observation has...
This is going to be a thread similar to the ingesting disinfectant thread. It will go for 20+ pages for no reason. The only proper response to...
Not sure. I believe we have a law about shooting joggers for the hell of it. I think we can shoot people on jet skis. Or that may just be an...
That’s awesome. Always good to shock the body with a new routine.
Not contentious or offended, sorry I came across that was. I was just suggesting that if you are so sure that companies doing this in your area...
A targeted approach makes sense. It makes sense that NYC would have different rules than upstate NY, for example. Of course there is the issue of...
Because trump loves the uneducated, that's why. Sorry, it was just sitting there.
Yeah, I get most of mine from sun and mushrooms.
You should research it. If you are so sure that Costco, a printing press for money, is going to struggle because of this policy, it would be a...
[ATTACH] Don't know who she is, just thought it was funny.