What the hell is a "perjury trap"? I don't hold his silly HS yearbook quotes against him. He held those quotes against himself... that's why he...
Good lord. How obtuse can you be? You know that drunk the noun is a person fitting the description of drunk the adjective. At least I hope you...
I didn't say him being a belligerent drunk proved anything. I did say that with other evidence it could be a piece of the puzzle that would be...
Regardless of what you think boofing meant, I think we can all agree it didn't mean farting. And everything that he tried to make false claims...
Boofing at the time of this incident was DEFINITELY anal sex. That's what it meant. As far as ralphing goes, he just tried to change the subject...
So you agree they are far more likely to assault people, which was my point when I referenced it wrt possibly sexual assault of Ford... or anyone...
per·ju·ry ˈpərj(ə)rē/ noun LAW noun: perjury; plural noun: perjuries the offense of willfully telling an untruth in a court after having taken an...
Oh yeah, I'm really jumping out there. :rolleyes: Aside from police reports of him throwing ice at a guy as part of a bar fight, throwing a drink...
Understanding the sex and drinking terms? Not at all. Having engaged in them? Not at all. Being a belligerent drunk in HS and College? Not on...
Of course. I agree to all of that. Common sense alone tells you he was lying about the meanings of those terms. If it was just one, that would be...
His own classmates called him a liar after the hearings wrt those drinking and sex terms. They were fairly common knowledge slang and there is...
I guess I missed it, but who has called you or any other Pub a "bad person" for still supporting the Kavanaugh nomination? On the flip side......
She's not aging particularly well, but that's pretty rough. Probably not her best photo op moment either. He kinda looks like he's fighting back...
And HRC got much lower than Obama. Trump got lower than Romney in aggregate. Not sure about specific states or what any of this means to midterms.
I don't think Ford has much credibility because of the holes in her story. She seemed pretty credible at the hearing, but certainly too many...
As is assuming a sexual assault victim is purely a political operative. Goes both ways.
North Dakota and Texas favor the Pub candidates, while the rest are dead heats. Even those two are close enough at this point they could go either...
He should probably be impeached from his current appointment. Absolutely he should be if he lied under oath in in his prior confirmation hearings.
Could be a lie. For argument's sake, let's say it is a lie. That would go to her credibility for sure, if it is. As Kavanaugh's repeated lies in...
Most sexual assaults have no "evidence". It's mostly he said / she said. That's why civil suits and other venues are important where...