Not all do...not everyone is as open minded. Unfortunately.
I typed for them for a while but making $3/hr wasn't fun. Mercifully I work at one of the few offices who hates VR after too many dosage issues....
I'm a medical transcriptionist :)
Back to work for a bit so I can partake of 700 ;)
No. :)
Thanks tilly. Adds a different dynamic. Btw how's your dad?
Read faster ;)
Incidentally the increase in tensions and people getting snippy increased once the babe ban was put into effect. Just my observation.
Dammit this day continues to suck for me. Oh well....will continue to wait with the rest of you fellow degenerates ;)
Feeling hot bothered AND evil....NOT GOOD AT WORK Lol
Feeling very evil :devil:
Feeling a little....evil...
Where? Still not showing as playing on mine.
Folks still panicking? :)
I'm swamped at work today so I'll be in & out...try to behave ;)
Taking a moment to post that Charles Manson is dead. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy crap. Some of you need to man up already. Yes it's a rollercoaster. It's either a fantastic ride or ends like that one in Final Destination...
Morning :) I see this board is having more mood swings than a teen girl on her period.
Woohoo!!! 4th! Good morning gents :)