Finally caught up! Nothing of substance to add, though.
I'm pretty sure that they are more scared of him staying.
The real question is will you come back and apologize if this plays out exactly how it's being laid out?
Well, maybe not me......:rolleyes:
You need to come to the Pub sometime @Skink. @icequeen is the star of ALL the threads.:cool:
NO! go back to you know where (136)
Can't remember ever not being able to squeeze sex and sleep into a 24 hour time frame.
This is the guy in the KNOW! This is better news than we could hope for! Maybe we could hope for it.:rolleyes:
Tilly Tilly!
New job today. It took my entire lunch just to catch up on this.
Queenie, you know better....:cool:
No cable when I was a kid. TV with antenna in the yard. 3 channels and I was the remote.
I checked earlier and didn't see it. Thanks!
Watch ESPN app I meant.
BTW why is the Bball game not on watch ESPN?
It wasn't you?
If this is true, and I have NO reason to doubt you, I'm getting very stoked and really can wait patiently...... No not patiently.... Most...
IQ posted some hot chick his morning. Just sayin
For those doubting Kelly's commitment go back a few pages and read the article @mdfgator posted yesterday. Sort of a long read, but very...