Deleted to avoid non-football topics. Good morning, and Boobs. That is all.
I can't wait for the presser, when Sec Seesmerollin' (they hatin') puts the rest of the country on notice.
Would that still be a handjob?
Our season was over weeks ago.
Coach, can you commit to scoring 2 points for each page of this thread in 2018? Oh, and welcome to the Gator Nation! (No pressure)
They should have hidden it in that guy's nose.
Who's Scott Stricklin? The intern who answers Sandy Smokescreen's email?
Stoops. He's finally coming back to Gville. To convince SOS to give Kelly his blessings.
Good call. Sack Scratchington is lethal in the living room.
Sly Sneaky striks again!
Has anyone posted another popping zit video today? I think that's all we're missing.
Double or nothing he eats it.
Jerry McGuire is in Gville?
Scott Scrambleson did something to mess with us.
The Eagle has landed?
We needed a cold shower after the t&a displays. Now, round 2 can begin!
So, was a coach announced yet? Did I miss it? And were the first words out of Sir Stricksalot's mouth at the presser "Nanny, nanny, boo boo!"?
Do you think it's easy to look that bad? We have to TRY and play that badly against inferior talent.