weather sounds horrible stay dry and watch out for those twisters
i try, it always tells me to spread more
i'm tryin' keeps saying i need to spread more around. guess my problem is i rep the same people in the pub. so it says that almost every time i...
long live the fenced in yard w/ a doggie door
same to you. hope you guys are keeping warm!
i'm trying to rep ya back but i guess i haven't spread enough around yet
sweet, my email is
hey pirate, it's grillin' time might need a way to order some of that sauce!
that's me in all my glory!
wow!!! way to beat the odds, they don't call them "keepers" for no reason!
computer broke for about two weeks. finally had enough time to get the parts to fix it. ready to get the party started for the summer.
my resturaunt is named collage. it's on hypolita st. downtown.(near scarlet o'haras). let me know if you're heading this way.
limb, me and a buddy of mine(bamma fan) are going to come into town for the baseball series against bama. i'll be staying in high springs where...
late night drunk drive by....miss me some vert!
hope you get your burger!