get ghetto to work on that avatar.....Mama's Toy needs one!
and is the router working?
cold stinks I've had enough
we are doing great~ hoping you are happy!
how was the visit with Jack? hope all is well.
hey Scuba what' s up?
wings isn't all the Gators ate!
thank goodness for that huge pot of chili you inspired me to make............. still working on it~
hope you feel better
Hope you feel better soon Vertigo don't know how you take the cold....the last 24 hours have me sick of cold and it is our first little cold snap
yep Drumming would be good hope you are feeling better...
make sure you BATTER them first!
I think Verti may have enough drums for us all to stay home and beat them for a week....isn't it time for another vacation?
you guys are going to have to go "easy" with the elephant jokes.....tense times here Just teasing.....Flip and I both are great sports over it...
morning Limb
wonder what elephants taste like?
drum banging would be great I've been preparing for a "teachers joint sharing meeting" tomorrow..... and took a nap
they look "beatable" to me..........shhhhh
thanks we are grilling hanging Christmas lights and watching game
you never come by anymore..... hope you are having a great time