I don’t know why independence wouldn’t be a part of the definition of life, but I also don’t know why it would. All definitions are human...
You are still the one deciding that independence is a prerequisite for life that should be protected. And you are defining “independent.” In a...
Indeed, the fetus won’t have protections if we define the fetus as non-living, but that is obviously a big “if” here. Like you, and the legal...
Interesting argument. Indeed we do not perform organ transplants without consent, and fetal needs share some of these elements. I hadn’t...
For sure this is the hardest part, and the most important part, of the issue. And I think you’re right to highlight the gray areas here, showing...
Indeed, the 9th appears to have played a key role in the Roe decision. That said, there seems to be a large disagreement in what one should really...
I wouldn’t put republicans and libertarians together on this issue. Or most social issues really. “Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive...
I am certainly not as learned about the courts as many on here, but I would think in theory public opinion should be irrelevant to Alito and the...
Im a little uneasy about the bill myself, but then when I saw that list of reps that voted against, I figured I’d keep that opinion to myself, but...
What you are suggesting is that DeSantis has the right to offer public benefits, ie those paid for by you and me, in exchange for speech favorable...
@mdgator05 ’s point is the correct one. You, as a private citizen, have every right to react to Disney’s actions by punishing them in the form of...
I’ve already given my best arguments on this thread, but I really feel like your level of condescension is ill-suited here, as this is nearly the...
This is beautiful. Also, Lincoln seems to have actually understood a part of Ronald Coase’s theory of externalities before Coase was even born....