The walls are closing in. The first of Trumps clown rat lawyers is staring down obstruction of justice charges. Many other will face the same...
Incorrect! Inflation was the natural result of the end the moronically stupid wage and price control under Nixon. Paul Volker was appointed by...
Carter fixed the mess Nixon made Clinton fixed the mess Regan and Bush the elder made Obama fixed the mess the disastrous crooked admin of Bush...
Signs of desperation at Faux News after the leaked texrs and e-mails. They’re asking for dismissal on the grounds that Dominion dispensary suffer...
I’ll count you in groups A, B, and quite possibly D.
They A) don’t care B) Think reports from other news sources are lies C) Haven’t even heard the reporting because Fox isn’t mentioning it D) are...
I thought i They probably won’t touch the $1.6B for economic damages but the punitive damages will offset that.
This is interesting but not surprising… Head of German intelligence unit was a Russian double agent
They’re trying to play both sides. A weakened Russia is in their interest but not so much if it collapses. Plus they want to poke the bear..
Very little? LOL. How about not at all.
They need to be free to fire in to Russia at will. Almost certainly their targets will be military, they are the highest value targets especially...
Killing Russian women and children is long overdue
Yeah no. Their population is poor, elderly (I think their lifespan is at least 7 years less than the first world) and are majority alcoholics.
i think we’ve only spent around $30B in aid to Ukraine. That is less than 4% of out annual military budget and doesn’t even register as a % of...
If I read your posts as comedy the experience is much better… As an added bonus for you, you’ll get fewer bacons.
You are perfectly describing standard MAGA behavior.
I looked up Fox Corporations annual NI. It was $1.2B (interestingly down from $2.2B in 2021). Think of what a $1.6B judgement will do to their...
Umm why.?
Nope - waste of time.