Because of all the work we are putting in here. We even made nicknames for him, like …um …well, Hartman the dart man. Ooh, that was actually...
Our thread on him is already 16 pages long. It would be pretty damn selfish of him to opt for the NFL at this point.
Perhaps, but sometimes politicians act for purely political reasons. Obama taught constitutional law, and that didn’t seem to earn his actions any...
Im also not trained in law, but interestingly I’m seeing this case as the opposite. In fact, I can’t recall a case that is so obviously a...
I am going to miss him. Always a good and fun person and when healthy, was one of the most athletic players I have ever seen on the field. Good...
It might be entertaining indeed, but it would definitely be illegal. And that’s exactly the case of the DeSantis vs Disney episode. DeSantis has...
You are ok with reviewing any special privileges, but the key in both my hypothetical and the actual event with DeSantis is the reason for...
I think this is right, but I also want to suggest that there are interactive effects of particular actor combinations. Eg we saw Whittemore go...
As I explained above, whether Disney was enjoying special benefits is irrelevant. Whether the “propaganda” is “false” is also irrelevant. Who says...
Whether you consider their deal as special is irrelevant to the issue. Disney made a deal with the state of Florida in the 1960s which enticed...
Sure. And you are free to refuse to pay your taxes. You will just enjoy that freedom in jail.
Seriously. We barely make a bowl game, and we get the 14th ranked team in the nation as a reward?
Yes indeed. Another post mentioned how in previous world cups, the US struggled to even possess the ball enough to cross midfield, and always...
The question is simple: should the allocation of public resources be dependent upon political speech? If your mocking post is arguing yes, then I...
While it isn’t the most humane seeming strategy for identifying quality, Darwinian selection via trial and replacement will always be the best...
I think if can get just five or more of those players to transfer in this month, we should be ok at QB next year.
How does the greater extent of the benefits of the deal weaken my argument? Let’s try an example: Joe Biden offers Google an amazing deal, where...
First, we actually learned that over 1,000 Florida companies have this sweetheart deal. And the deal was clearly made to bring Disney to Florida,...
I don’t know what part of this makes sense for anyone. Disney should have autonomy in their own affairs, just like any other private entity.
It should have provided fodder for his opposition the second he pushed this oppressive BS. I’m still beside myself that so many republicans went...