The top recruits in FL don't choose UF, FSU or UM any more. It's basically the 70s again. I get what you're saying. And given the CEO nature of...
And yet, less of a joke than 80% of the SEC in that regards (UF and a couple others not included).
Financial collapse is our only hope. That's what I'm rooting for. Let all the greedy bastards stick their hands out and grab as much as they can....
Whatever. $$$$$ is the new recruiting advantage in the now official pay-to-play system. But thanks for the laugh. That was a good one.
Not happening. They care about things other than football. You know, like their primary mission.
Whatever. Still maintain that the bad guy was IMG (and still is) and they got just what they deserved. He's just trying to play a smaller-scale...
Saturday vs. Sunday is all I've got. But as I said to a friend the other day, keep taking away more and more of those things that once separated...
I'm for free money trees in every backyard. . . . doesn't mean it's happening or ever going to happen. Nor is this. It's game over and it only...
Oh, now we want rules. LOL! That's the beauty of this. Courts will strike it down and chaos will resume. Hurray!!!!
They'll play other scumbags like them, whose only concern is football. The financial collapse comes in two forms as I see it. 1. Boosters just...
Dude, nobody cares about "the schools" here. Remember, the schools, NCAA and all associated parties are the bad guys here.
And too many hands out. That's what I'm counting on. That, and greedy shits like Alabama and Georgia trying to form a breakaway league.
Unsustainable is good. I'm rooting hard for a complete financial collapse of the system.
Ah, yes. More chaos. Lovin' it!
Statements like this are why you have no credibility.
Where is the evidence that we are making or made them keep fighting? Because everything I'm hearing is the opposite, that we've come to this...
I don't have any illusions about some Ukrainian total victory. When Putin took that territory in 2014, he pretty much insured what was left would...
He's completely off his rocker now. Not even trying to sound sane anymore.
Gee. I wonder why. Or maybe that famine thing under Stalin was just "Western Propaganda".
And CCP. Don't forget Xi.