Which also coincided with their worst-to-first run in 1991. . . and FSU's success at the time. It was a natural fit given the newfound enthusiasm.
Not a fan, but compared to the Cardi B's of the world she's probably one of the more sane ones.
They'll try, but I don't see us going completely crazy like some people. The smart programs will hedge for a few years until things shake out a...
I love it! The shitshow is just priceless. So, it basically has to stay in the ether of boosters and out of the light of day or you have to pay...
Whatever dude. At this point the NFL has 1000x more integrity. There are actual rules. There are salary caps, free agent windows, etc. and their...
IF he comes. . . There's still plenty of time for a bagman to step in.
So where is this going to go? Are alums/fat cat boosters going to continue to just throw money at these programs (my cousins in MS want to pay the...
There you go dude. Saudis are the answer. We can be the Manchester City of College Football with the financial backing of an entire Gulf State....
May as well at this point. What are they worried about? There's no integrity left to preserve. I'm just waiting for the first program to tap...
It's insane.
We'll be better than Vandy, but we may not sell out the entire university to football like some are definitely going to do. You remind me of my...
Embrace the UCLA/Stanford model. I think that's our future. . . and frankly, I have no problem with that. College Football is a cess pool now and...
At this point, no better than Mullen. Good OC. Good Offense. Exciting to watch and wins a bunch of games, while losing all the ones that really...
No recruiting! Nuff said.
I don't know man. The Russians are . . . Different.
It will definitely be interesting to see what mud season brings. I begrudgingly agree that there probably won't be any more significant gains by...
That said, it's the only SINGULAR source you have. Anything else? Yeah, that's what I thought. Still waiting for those news reports from various...
How Goldman Sachs profits from war in Ukraine, loophole in sanctions I'll put what I know - and my sources - against yours every day and Sunday...
Geopolitical/History groups on FB mostly for political discussion.
Probably did. I work two nights a week in a busy beach restaurant and most of our customers during that period were from lockdown states. I never...