33rd in 2020, 17th in 2021, 15th in 2022, 17th last year and standing in 20th place this year. You sure you want to put your name on that?...
I hope it's Norvell. And I hope he completely sucks too and they're doing this again in 3 years.
What has he done that Mullen hasn't?
They're insane. And people want us to be more like this.
No crap. That kid sounds like a complete loser.
But. . . but. . . but . . . you might miss out on the latest and greatest 18yo hype factory. Gotta show that you can coddle with the best of them!...
I see the idiots wearing black hoodies on 95* days in the summer. WHO CARES what they think? I'm not even sure they care what they think.
More like pointing out that Capri pants look (___) on guys. Yeah, it's sort of a thing now. . . operative word being "now".
The singular reason they did it.
Only upside to this is - hopefully - we burn these and give up the UM/FSU-inspired black jersey thing. We did it. We saw it. Wasn't really that...
But what's going to stop that? Nothing. And, unfortunately, that's what the game has come to. Top-10 isn't good enough in recruiting anymore,...
There's no doubt about that. I'm talking bigger picture and just how far ahead certain teams are from the rest. It's almost like they've been...
But they don't at Georgia. So, you'd better saddle up. They know they'll get their shot and when they do the NFL will come calling. Just like they...
But we (and FSU and UM too) don't get the best kids from FL anymore. That's Bama, UGA and OSU. Yet another reason why I find myself caring less...
Just sayin' Jeter's place was massive.
I thought I left it when I left that craphole, but now that craphole is invading the rest of the state. Yea. More pre-fab "mixed use" buildings...
It's absurd that you would need anything bigger than Jeter's palace.
Ditto. It's pretty to look at, but wouldn't want to live there any more than hellscape South Florida.
About the only downside compared to Sh. . . er, South Florida. And south Georgia and the rest of Florida have beaches too. Better ones that aren't...
Atlanta is actually a very pretty town for its size. Compare it to bleak-ass, treeless, soulless South Florida for instance.