Now you've gone too far. I would not tell my son to go to uga. Is your justification that he would make more money? Not sure I follow.
If Johnson doesn't return then Etienne would be RB1 and he is butt hurt from having to wait his turn.
Now that's a troll.
Gators 84 Arachnids 70 MVG Kugel SoG +6
I am in Gainesville. Venmo me all your moneys and I'll write up some NIL SWAMP GAS contracts.
The number of db coaches that are a household name is zero. LSU fans complain a lot. Even more when they're not winning. Sound familiar?...
Not me. I have no problem with a methodical coach so just here for the occasional movmemet and to laugh at the little girls on this forum.
She's a poor excuse for an Escape Goat.
I'll remember college football fondly. Like a college girlfriend. Who married a douche from law school. Got fat and ugly. Overdosed on...
The fire and fight.
Sanders might be dishing out AFLAC bucks.
They added teeth to the logo a few years ago but it still looks like a receptacle.
Cajuns are just different. And often drunk.
I could see that as a concern but not as the sole reason to enter the Portal.
If it's not about money to him then....?
No one is telling you that.
Glad to see the bench used. Imagine Haugh and Condon together as seniors. Both 80% FT and 40% from 3.
That will cost a lot of games if not fixed.
I doubt we'll be offering any dead weight.