tldr version of my quoted post; Nice try, OP. You don't get to hypocritically accuse others of transgressions which didn't happen, but which...
Entered thread to see hypocrites accuse Biden of doing something he hasn't done.......but that their rapey convicted felon criminal hero has done....
I'll only do this one time for you, buddy. And only because it pains me to see a Gator so uninformed. Also: STOP THE STEAL! (Buddy.) Senate...
Don't you mean the guy who knowingly accepted help in an election from Russia, and who publicly supported Putin over US intelligence agencies?...
He probably also means "Give some money to 'Lidl Kushner to 'manage' for the country."
It's totally strange. For nearly four years he's been saying (lying) that he won. Now he says that he didn't? I have too many questions to...
You're not wrong, but the real solution to gun violence in schools is having schools with only one door. I heard that from the Republicans.
I think my dog could bark out an equally coherent answer.
Hihi, friendo! Are you still comfortable voting for a candidate who knowingly accepted election help in 2016 from Russia? (and apparently is...
Maybe you should learn what you're talking about before you call someone a liar? (Maybe you should also note that I was addressing a specific...
Yeah, your disingenuous attempt to create a strawman argument isn't going to work. Here's what I said : ....Just look at your own state; pubs...
Your terrible enslavement makes my eyes rain.
I'm pretty sure it's not. I'm also pretty sure that nobody said a background check WOULD help in this case. However, background checks can...
Enough of them lie back and forth to each other that they try to tell those lies to other people. It's fascinating, really. Imagine if we Gator...
Neither you nor your criminal orange political hero are victims for having social media accounts impacted by repeatedly telling un-American...
Entered thread to see American Trump shills traitors lie about Russian involvement in 2016, and minimize their efforts and/or abilities to do so...
So mental health, and mental health care, is simply that much worse in the United States than it is in, say, England, Italy, Japan and Korea?...
You're certainly not necessarily wrong, and there's certainly no easy answer..... Background checks would be more helpful keeping firearms away...
Jesus, what a vile POS. Spreading lies with a gun in his hand, like that makes him some kind of tough guy. Pathetic.
It's hard to believe that this ******g clown was leading our nation during a pandemic. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside...