In this post, poster despises anyone who grew up in a well-off family or lived in a, uhhh, "wealthy neighborhood" as a child. Also; ET, do you...
You're so silly. If Rapey Trumputin weren't President of the United States, do you think that Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump would have EVER...
Does the Russian/Republican influencer payment scheme include paying message board posters to carry out an abortive attempt to introduce the...
Jason Aldean and Alan Dershowitz care nothing for the American people. Neither do these hostages criminals:[ATTACH]
It seems that in the post-Trump environment, there are simply no moral depths that Republican legislators won't sink to. Including what is...
Could we please have anyone knowledgeable opine on why this happened and what it means in a practical sense? I find it objectionable, personally,...
Criminal dodges sentencing, inexplicably. MAGA Traitor World erupts with joy.
Yeah for sure. But we have a side that actively embraces deceptive artificial intelligence misinformation, and interference in elections from...
Yes, but to be fair, all the Republicans who don't support Trump are; (pick one) RINOs Warmongers Globalists Elitists Commies Leftists Deep...
In b4 Cheney is just a warmonger. Just like all the career generals who refuse to vote for Trump.
Clearly not as much as this nominee for governor from the political party criminal organization that you support. But then again, the...
MAGA in Kure Beach loooooved him a few weeks ago, judging by the lawn signs. (And revolting flags)
We have more curly hair than most nations in the world also. In 8-10 years we just might need 15-20 years to explore whether or not that is the...
You're 100% correct here. But here's a question that IMO seems pretty valid; "They" lie about everything to the point that it is essentially no...
Great post. But you took the time to respond to that shi'ite?
I'm not sure I know of anyone who voted for Clinton despite knowing about any "DNA and blue dress." You?
It's hard for me to imagine a grown adult writing this post.
You left out ; we like rapey convicted felon traitors.
He's right that he lost...but only if you count all the dead and illegal votes? So really he won? But he's saying that he lost? You Trump...
I read about this. Dude wasn't just renting videos. He was renting personal time in those little booths to watch the vides there, right?...