JD Weirdo doubles down on their lies about eating dogs. [MEDIA]
It's crazy. So many people are willing to vote for a rapist criminal who tells all those lies. Now he's eating dogs!
Your strange non sequiturs sound like those of your debate-incompetent criminal himself. Also.... THEY'RE EATING THE DOGS! THEY'RE...
You guys are victims. Also..... THEY'RE EATING THE DOGS! THEY'RE EATING THE CATS!
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I'd love to see you cite where I posted inaccurate facts. Have at it please, I welcome your response. Now don't just scurry away from this...
OK, getting ready to switch that back to 'ignore' now.....
I'm extremely comfortable on my high horse of not coming here and telling outright lies. You see, both sides don't really do it. You'd see that...
Your staunch and unshakable independence is truly inspirational. And I promise you that I'm not just saying that.
So that Trump supporter was saying something that isn't true. Shocking.
You seem angry.
Is that right....or are you just saying something that is untrue. What is that word that starts with an 'L' for saying something that is untrue?
Immediate post debate odds: Online betting odds swung huge : from -125/105 in favor of Rapey Trumputin to -120/100 in favor of KH.
Online betting odds swung huge : from -125/105 in favor of Rapey Trumputin to -120/100 in favor of KH.
Don't be so angry buddy. We won't be any more "screwed" with Harris than we were with Obama or Biden; not at all. Also, there's life outside of...
We'll be hearing about his health care plan in the not too distant future. :)
Not to lie about an election and enact a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election. For starters.
Crushing his traitor ass on Afghanistan.
I think Stormy Daniels would know it better, from when Trump was committing adultery with her while his wife was home with a newborn. That's the...
LOL "You are a disgrace."