But what does it do to contrails? which on another thread were supposedly responsible for about half of global warming.
I was working off of old memory. Realized my mistake almost immediately but I have been doing construction work on my house and am exhausted.
He was the producer and the director. Not sure about the legalities but the buck stopped with him.
More corrupt than Russia? Where are you getting your information?
Backed into a corner? You can’t be serious.
Except maybe for Brainy Smurf, it's hard to imagine anybody these days wanting to be called a literary intellectual, though it doesn't sound so...
Have we finally gotten on top of increasing health costs? My Medicare premium is down a couple of bucks a month this year.
We will mint 3 ten trillion dollar coins. That will put us almost even. lol
I am not sure what speculating on this page is doing for anyone. It frustrates me it doesn’t entertain.
But the fear of a lawsuit paralyzes a lot of people.
Being the smallest but most abundant element. Storage is difficult and if you think lithium fires are bad wait till hydrogen cars wreck and a...
Didn’t some malcontents try this before?
I would be okay with that. The power five is such a misnomer. It’s the SEC, 2 of the big ten, two of the ACC(I am being generous, and maybe two of...
14 out of twenty
How many years in a row has a sec team won the championship. Isn’t it something like 19 out of twenty?
So you think ucf should have been a multiple national champion winner?
Make them 4 year scholarships. It’s disgraceful that teams get rid of players if they aren’t useful.
So playing a pussy cat schedule doesn’t play into it?
Well I get the best non power 5 team but they should have to win their championship. What I don’t get is the big ten getting two teams in.
Intent means a lot in these cases.