For whatever reason, there are times when players are severely undervalued. This was clearly the case with 2-star Brandon James and Urban having...
Most certainly did I disdain that maneuver by McConnell. What is good for the goose is good for the gander, so I’d say that the democrats are...
The challenges to fixing this problem must be legion, but if I feel it’s an important problem, at least I might have place to cast a vote in good...
This is a really good point on common ground. I’ve become somewhat partial to the hypothesis that gerrymandering facilitates the election of...
Oh complaining I am all for. What I cannot support is a liberal president unilaterally passing an executive action to change the makeup of the...
This is actually the exact point I’m making. Can we expect any class to self police and turn themselves in? The one monopoly that has total power...
Its hard for me to bend on this one, because I see no point to reign in this power. If we support academic freedom unless the freedom has gone too...
Who should decide what is a proper college lesson and what is indoctrination? The last person I would want in charge of this decision is an...
Valid question. I presume this oversight must be present in the laws in order for this to happen, so I am guessing it is indeed legal. But even if...
As always, when confronted with the question of what is the true correct course of political action, the real question is “who decides?” The...
I haven’t attempted my own analysis, but I’d want it to answer the challenges outlined above. I am not convinced that your study does so. First,...
Finding this one data point sounds to me like a very low bar to prove a persistent bias. One of the journalistic standards is to always seek...
All claims require justification. I would have thought you to be with me on that. And I never said anything indicating that I believe that there...
Oh I have no idea about any of that. The narrow claim that I was addressing was that more fact checks must indicate a negative bias. I believe...
Personally, I think wgb’s point is a good one. Fact checking sites don’t only rate things false, right? They can also rate statements to be true....
I think the issue is that this take is that it equates your personal beliefs and knowledge. Clearly this isn’t a tenable solution to our problem,...
It’s seems a reasonable conclusion, but once adopted it obviously doesn’t leave us in a very strong position to say much with authority.
Coincidentally, I saw an article today that nicely deals with this issue, though it’s solution hardly feels definitive. Why can't Americans...
I don’t think this would be a bad thing, but I do wonder how we would know when we’ve done the job. Our assessments of bias have no choice but to...