You probably thought this was clever didn’t you?
Got my covid and flu shots today. I told my wife to get on here and let yall know if I “die suddenly”
that POS killed a baby apparently. [MEDIA] And more confirmation he and his family are right wing gun nutters.
Ummm yeah. I would have told nobody and would have gone back for seconds (and thirds etc.)
wHat aBOuT hiS rOOMmaTes!!!?
Leaving aside the impracticality of hardening all soft targets (laughable) it’s just crazy to me that this is the preference. They want to live...
Let's just not go through this again. Agree to disagree.
Yeah there isn’t a solution that would actually make a difference that you gun nuts aren’t going to perceive as a violation of your constitutional...
I’ve been through this song and dance with you. You never propose solutions you just poke holes in other solutions. Again - sickening.
If your roommate was dealing drugs your place could be searched. Happens every day all over this country. Same situation here. If you do not...
Yes. Search their property and confiscate it.
Yeah he liked a bunch of GOP shit on there - tucker, trump etc. But that one takes the cake.
This is the part that sickens me.
Well I can't answer for him - but IMO yes if you are a prohibited person and you have not surrendered your registered weapons then they should be...
lol did he say that? Sounds like that's what YOU are proposing.
What Robert Card's social media reveals about Maine mass shooting suspect Card liked a tweet from the former president's son regarding trans and...
Incorrect. Automation has been around for centuries, but its use has increased significantly in recent years across many industries, including...
Automation is an inevitability in the auto industry regardless of what unions do or don’t do. Capitalism, baby. Might as well get paid while...
It’s up there but I give the nod to repeatedly lying straight to the faces of every American regarding the severity of covid early on in the...
Agree completely. I hope Israel avoids a full scale invasion.