This thread will devolve into Too Hot in 3...2...1....
Depends on the degree. Five is pretty common for engineering, and, I think it's required for Pharmacy. Not sure what his major was. But,...
Not hard to see how he got his degree with two years of eligibility left. Obviously a bright kid.
Any dental students available on campus that can spin a football?
It would be great if all threads started by seminoles would be summarily locked and deleted...
I like it. Bowl games outside of the CFP mean nothing to players now. Just ask Justin Shorter and everyone else that plans to take a squat.
Tebow, Spurrier, Emmitt, in that order.
All that matters in bowl season today is that one team has less critical players quit under the guise of "opting-out" than the other team. I just...
... to find a place to blow all the NIL $$$.
Hey, if we'd have kept every opponent below 16 points this year, we would be undefeated.
I doubt you'll see O'Cyrus on the O-Line during the bowl game.
I don't think the players that quit, quit on Mullen. I think they quit on themselves. Maybe that didn't change when they stuck around for the...
I think the real problem is that we obviously need both; and offense and a defense. We've had one or the other for more than a decade now because...
Totally disagree. He will improve at UF. His leadership skills and touch on his passes need upgrading, and, that can happen here. He's a...
I hope he comes back to give Rashada time to develop and take over the reins. AR isn't NFL ready anyway. Think about it; we were a lowly 6-6 in...
Not to mention conveniently forgetting the head-to-head non-targeting call on Pearsall (who had been in concussion protocol all week). Defender...
I had to turn the volume off often. I do it every time they play the stupid Injun' Whine anyway, which is every 30 seconds. The announcers were...
Nobody else can get open and haul in catches consistently. Makes me cringe when he returns the ball.
What a ridiculous post. Go back to Tallacrappy.
Gators fought hard and left it all on the field. I'm in mourning for the loss because it's fsu, but, the Gators brought pride for the most part....