It would be the sports washing opportunity of a lifetime. Invest in a sport that is woven into the fabric of American life. It's exactly the kind...
Why? They'd jump at the opportunity. Plus. Someone's going to do it.
I mean, I'm kidding. . . but not. It would certainly be one way to crush NIL. A literal bottomless pit of money. . . provided you like the taste...
Just tap the Saudi Wealth Fund instead.
Cool. Buy up existing players then. No rules stopping it and I'm sure someone else's QB would be happy to make the switch for the right price.
Have no idea what you even mean by this? What are you questioning? That Alabama fans care more or that the collective money is coming from...
RedZone is a game changer. I love watching that on Sundays. I also like the physicality of the NFL game relative to college these days.
And the 12-team playoff is already going to generate huge revenue. It's just a matter of the split.
It's not about ROI for the Saudis, it's about propaganda. Specifically, injecting themselves into something that is woven into the fabric of...
Well, yeah. That's the rub in all of this, right? I have questions whether UF will (or should) do what it takes to keep up with the UGA's and...
True. But why not? It's the wild wild west. Get every advantage you can.
Doesn't have to be NIL and probably wouldn't be as that's technically between the athlete and the individual sponsor. I'm talking straight-up IMG...
Make it an official Academy. I.E. Payments/scholarships to young promising athletes. Not just a private school with affiliation to UF, but the UF...
Hey, you people want to buy players. No better way than that. What's stopping us from approaching them? You know they would be hugely interested.
Since the obvious comp for the NIL era is European Soccer, why not look for potential advantages in that realm. So, I'm going to throw out the...
I just think they'll trade fans like us for jocksniffers and TV deals. . . just like the NFL. You can already see this with the Deion dynamic at...
IDK. I used to think this but I think the 12-team playoff will bail it out as there may be enough TV money from that to overcome the loss of...
Oh, now you're starting to hate it. Could have told you this a year ago. Tighten your chinstraps because it's only going to get worse from here.
Yeah, I was talking about that with a UGA friend last night and how that stretch probably benefited Alabama and Bryant immensely.
60+ years to win our first SEC title? Never should have taken us that long.