Horded? Really? So where is this horde of cash? Where are the luxury yachts? The Lambos? The villas in St. Moritz? Who, outside of HC's at big...
Again, who is this NCAA fellow sitting on this pile of money, buying luxury yachts, summering in Monaco, etc. Oh, yeah, it's a non-profit made up...
Okay, so you're just a trainer. Either way, you're in the community that's been pushing this narrative for years. An actual minor league would...
No they're not. They're pros who take a few classes. Some even get degrees. But they're pros now and will be for the rest of our lifetimes. It's...
I know where you stand on this (and seemingly benefit from it) and thus, on this issue, I consider you the enemy. Glad you found some new...
Yeah, but those are just institutional standards that apply to all students and are academically motivated. I don't see how the USSC could...
Just saying. If it were raised simply to 3.0 and a 1200 SAT (or comparable ACT), how many 5* are eligible? 10%? 20%? If you don't think pimping...
So the NFL would just start pimping FCS and D2 schools instead? I mean, they're cynical scumbags, but that would be a new level of low. That said,...
So they'd start paying players? Yeah, that would work. What about training and facilities? Coaching? I already see a reckoning coming when the...
But you're missing the point. If you limit spots you limit options with respect to the transfer portal and make the commitment consequential...
Agreed, but the 12-team playoff may save it. If they can replace the lost money with TV money secured from that, then it is NFL2.
Then add in the easiest fix. Unilaterally raise academic standards. NFL would have a minor league up in a minute rather than see all that talent...
Interesting idea. Reduce supply. Hmm. . . I like it.
But he's right. Nothing you're suggesting has a chance in hell of getting past the courts. Say what you want about the NFL, but they have rules....
You've always supported this crap. "Oh, the poor kids". Whatever. Irony is this is actually going to be worse for them in the long run.
You should try RedZone. Eight straight hours of nothing but consequential plays. No commercials. No watching the refs "figure it out". None of...
NCAA is far more gutless in that respect. Automatic ejection for targeting? Intent doesn't matter? Just helmet meets helmet and you're gone....
It's over. Give it up. 96gatorsize and his friends won.
That's a good tourney. City of Palms in Fort Myers used to have top teams from all over the nation back in the day. Remember seeing Hurley's dad's...
I agree completely on the home games. Definitely worth fighting for. And what a spectacle playoff games on campus in December will be. I'd also...