Good job taking care of business. The game was never really in doubt from start to finish.
Is Stackhouse really putting the full court press on our backup down 19 with 1:30 left?
A little lobbying never hurt anyone.
The Pullin for MVG fan club over here, LOL.
Great ball movement. Gators looking on point with this lineup.
Then a beautiful drive and finger roll layup.
Nice defense to offense there with the dunk. Hauch giving us great minutes. Kugel must stil be under the weather.
DA shooting 3s is NEVER the answer.
And just like that, back to 17.
Time for us to go on a run now.
3 empty trips in a row and give up 3 buckets in a row and next thing you know, a 17 point lead is down to 10.
Good thing Vandy shoots free throws like us.
Or zero if they keep sending him to the FT line.
Samuel is a nightmare from the FT line. This could be a problem in March.
Samuel with his first non-dunk of the game.
We are better than Vandy at every position, and play better as a team. This should be a blowout. This is really the first game in a while where...
I feel we will get a big lead today and be able to keep it.
I think DA will get a lot of minutes today, just to give ZP and Clayton a rest.
Hauch should have shot it the first three times he touched it on that posession. He has that shot all day long.
How in the hell is that a foul on Clayton? The guy just kept blocking him off the line.