Perhaps not including the civil war?
China like to think that they play the long game. They through patience got Hong Kong back; I think they will not think a nuclear exchange is...
No. I have not. I took your silly notion and asked if you thought that was okay? What Putin will do is an unknown but I do know that if he...
So you are okay with Putin adding Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova? I for one am not and history teaches us that territorial expansion leads to more...
So Putin is sane because he plans to rebuild the Warsaw pact one piece at a time?
Honestly, all of the Russian pronouncements seem to be for internal consumption. That is what makes me wonder if things are not as copacetic for...
Seriously are you doing this to antagonize people to maximize ad revenue based on views. You are a quisling. I mean that as being a follower of...
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. The Ukrainians welcomed the Nazis thinking there could be nothing worse than the Russians. They learned they...
I thought at first that Putin was faking intent to invade Ukraine trying to get gas prices to rise and bolster russias economy. If he had done...
Putin may be good with a war of attrition but Russia isn’t. They are going to lose a generation of men. Either thru dieing or immigration. They...
You don’t have to reply. lol. Sorry I have no idea why you can’t See that you were being political in a no politics area. Your denial was funny...
I am trying to keep politics off this section of this site.
That is a political answer. It does not belong outside of too hot. I could state my opinion of our new walk ons father but that would certainly...
I meant to tell that to skink. Who I thought posted the first one to praise our dear leader Ron. If I screwed up it was my mistake and I apologize.
I imagine you are correct. I have always hated those places and haven’t had to entertain a client at one in decades.
I was thinking something similar bu it included something about implants.
Definitely didn’t hurt.
I was of this opinion at first but the Russian ineptness is making me think this may not be true. It almost seems as if Russia is intentionally...
You mean if we let the Russians take the Ukraine it won’t be “Peace in our time”.
the Chechen’s are more of a rape and loot mob then an army. The Wagner group is in between and the Russian army I have no words for.