So your peace plan is to allow Russia to keep all that they have stolen? Don’t forget Russia already signed one peace treaty when Ukraine gave...
Little De and low T.
I like Nikki. She did well removing the confederate flag after a shooting. I think hope she was a pragmatic conservative. It’s hard to say what...
Yep 60k dead out of 200k wounded feels about historically right. I think the bigger losses are from those who have left Russia. I have heard but...
It was never a simple denial. He said all the grieving families were crisis actors pretending to be upset about the deaths. And he didn’t say it...
He profited from those words. He made a fortune off of making up nonsense and reporting it as truth. He deserves prison time in my opinion but it...
I honestly wonder if Russia should be broken up? I am not saying this is our goal in Ukraine but Russia always seems to want to expand. This is...
I think hitting all of Russia military bases should be on the table. Russian infrastructure I think strategically would be a bad move.
NATO should be in any European country that wants them. If the countries on Russia’s border feel unsafe(and they should) bring them in.
So we are helping in accordance with NATOs wishes. We are an active part of NATO. I can’t see why you would think we should sit on the sidelines...
We have not always been on the side of the angels but Putin is the most serious threat to world peace in close to 80 years. Perhaps comparing your...
Stalin by the way used the term useful idiot. I switched it to American to avoid calling you an idiot. Oh well.
So Russia can take any nation as long as they aren’t in nato. You honestly think this is a good idea? Unbelievable.
So your myopia is more of the Neville Chamberlain type. Good to know. And you are more of what Stalin called useful Americans.
I also found it really strange that I had no idea how to spell pyrrhic. I always spelled it pyrhic and have never been corrected or counted off...
Symbolic or pyrrhic?
I get all my health info from the department of Energy. I get my nuclear info from the bureau of labor statistics.
Stalin only purged (killed)maybe twice as many.
I missed that. lol