If you're too stupid to comprehend my post, at least get rid of the snark. You don't want to look like a complete jackass. Or maybe you do. Who knows.
Those who vehemently oppose vouchers believe that the state knows what's best for children more than parents.
I thought that was for Communists? @wgbgator
So much empathy.
I would say "illegal" versus "legal" is an important distinction. But the federal government can just treat "illegal" crossings as "legal"...
Not very LGBTQ-friendly of you. Many would say, "transphobic." [IMG]
Government employees are still entitled to the protections of the Free Exercise Clause, especially on their own time when they're acting as...
Fair enough, replace "poor" with "middle class."
These are not handouts for the rich. The rich still pay more taxes than anybody. They're just getting a slice back as well. The money is still...
What problem? How is school choice a problem? Since when do you guys have a problem with policy helping one group of people while neglecting...
It helps. And I shared earlier how public schools in Florida spent around that per student in the late 2010s. Now that doesn't include...
Yeah, it's all just a country club. Educational standards, values, and upbringing have nothing to do with it.:rolleyes: Since you guys have it...
As though I don't. Here's what I've observed: Upper class liberals love to talk and brag about how great public education is, but when push...
Then people will just choose to go to public schools and the public schools will get the money right back. And if they won't, then how exactly...
And that's the quiet part out loud. It's about relatively centralized control over education, even if that way is not what the family wants.
Correct, but I think that's a separate issue. I was more getting into a government employee using their salary money to donate to a church for...
I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice, but I think that's the best argument here. It's the classic Christmas tree in a government...
I disagree with this. I think it's actually very easy. For example, let's say someone thinks that a voucher program in itself is a violation of...
If the handouts are for children who bear no responsibility for their current financial predicament... and so those same children will grow so...