A great quote from Billions comes to mind: "You Put A Police Car On Anyone's Tail For 500 Miles, He's Going To Get A Ticket." If that's fair...
Get ready for that to get thrown right back in your face. That’s all I’m going to say. Terrible mentality, terrible for the country, but I won’t...
If nobody decides to send their kids to private school, it's because the private school isn't good and it's the private school's problem. If...
They are accountable to the people and the education marketplace. Guess what happens if nobody decides to go to their school?
Unbelievable. Giving parents (the people) MORE power to choose where they individually spend their tax dollars and send their kids and with what...
Didn't you just say earlier in the thread that "Don't Say Gay" doesn't reach these private schools? He's empowering liberals to trans the kids...
I suggest you leave while the getting is good.
I agree, and that's by no means a shot at you. I think you're wrong on almost everything, but I can't say that you don't "know" the law.
I'm sorry democracy is happening to you.
Because the principled liberals being their principled selves will still send their kids to public school despite the vouchers which would lead to...
There was an election. And elections have consequences. You lost.
I don't think those things are as important as education and neither does the Florida Legislature.
Because that's what the parent (and taxpayer) wants.
I really don't want to hear a peep from you guys about weaponizing the justice system.
Then we're both going to be here a while.
This is a perfectly healthy person l_boy. I don't know why you would think she's a man.