People act like Jesus was this relativistic completely non-judgmental figure. The point of Jesus's unconditional kindness towards sinners isn't...
When discussing policy and rule-making, "respectfulness" and "politeness" both take a back seat to the truth. You want to try and satisfy all of...
Because you apparently were defending a standard based on whether someone "looks like a man." You were at minimum using that as a way of attacking...
What does it mean to "look like a man?" Why do you associate "beards" and "muscles" with "looking like a man?"
Including federal judges. SMH.
You can't just say that "capitalism is against traditional norms" just by highlighting media that violates traditional norms. There is also media...
You know we're backwards when the media demands harsh and cold reality in film and entertainment, and fantasy (political correctness) in real life.
I can come back and say "he's been represented by all of those people, but never a Black role, stick to what's been done in the past." That to me...
Not exactly. Capitalism doesn't necessarily have a stake in tradition, norms, unwritten rules, art, etc. It can work against these things, but...
Well, I did my best. If you can't see that there are these unwritten rules to storytelling and filmmaking then I can't help you. Some are more...
Well yes. But there are still "some" rules and "standards" that exist. You CAN make whatever you want, that doesn't mean people will enjoy it....
My hypothetical is exclusively taking their physical profile into consideration. Humor me and don't change the hypothetical. Comedy and satire...
Comedy and satire is a completely different discussion because the "distraction," the "juxtaposition" is the whole point. If you're doing a...
James Bond is definitely one of the more borderline cases in my opinion because it's a fictional character derived from books, where I'm not sure...
I don't think I'm crazy when I say Larry David shouldn't play Superman and Melissa McCarthy shouldn't play Aphrodite. I have nothing but love...
Or short and bare bones skinny. Some characters fit this iconic profile. And race happens to be part of that iconic profile along with things like...
Were you genuinely curious about something you had no knowledge of and were therefore asking someone, that apparently makes you dumber the longer...
This isn't an implicit suggestion that a law was broken? You were just genuinely curious so you were asking me a question?
No, it's not about my debating skills/judgment. That was a pot shot you took because you're too much of a coward to actually engage me in an...
How about Joe Biden?