DeSantis would still be an underdog, but a lot can change between now and the Republican nomination. Without the field clearing at least to three...
Call these "corporations" running the schools "Disney," and I'm sure ya'll would be fine with this.
Maybe... just maybe... he thinks it's the right thing.
Can this logic not be applied to every welfare program in existence? Subsidize housing... They're just going to raise the housing prices....
Will we get credit if this goes well?
Since when do ya'll complain about welfare queens. All I ever hear when we bring it up is that they're the exception for people who cash welfare...
Yeah, there always seems to be an insidious motive even behind the most altruistic of actions.
Correct, unfortunately. DeSantis is already on the outside looking in, and I do think he can win... but he needs the field to clear up so people...
Yes, but are they "conservative" straight white men, which is what I said?
So trans men are actually women?
So you disagree with the notion that men can get pregnant?
How is that a woman's issue? Are you suggesting only women can get pregnant? Sounds to me like you're enabling a transphobic view of gender. Not...
You mentioned "women's health care?" Are you specifically referencing abortion?
I am dead serious. I'm not talking about bumper stickers and euphemisms. Give me specifics. How are we working overtime to make life harder to...
How exactly do we work overtime to make life harder for those who aren't straight, white, or male?
I'm good, if I'm right, I don't need the hivemind circling the wagons at my every word because "go team," and I don't need the mods to even try to...
That settles it. Homophobe. Now prove that you're not one.
The party of empathy folks. Call me crazy, but I don't think it takes a lot to be empathetic towards people who are useful to you. It takes a...
You're wasting your time, ridge. You can call other posters pigs, and point it out to the mods and they'll defend it. Then you call others mods...
The rule is empathy for everyone except conservative straight White males.