We know you're busy, so you please collect all of the times ET moaned about Trump calling for lower or even negative rates when unemployment was...
Hillary and the DNC invented a phony dossier? Really? You are just like Trump (and most Trumpies) - you just don't know anything. This was...
JD Vance's theories about racial scapegoating are playing out in real time....
Did all those people choose to stay outside, instead of taking an empty seat indoors, because they were afraid of getting covid from the other...
The point is that only one side violently beats hundreds of police while attacking our government, then embraces a lying traitor who lies about...
You've already gotten it back in wage growth and stock market growth. Thanks, Biden! Also, you've done WAY better, comparatively, than if you...
Wait, what?! You right-wing perpetual victims are now moaning about how nobody is trying to protect Donald the Felon when......he takes an...
It's hard to fathom how ignorant that man is. Literally, he would be less qualified to be President, by comparison, than about 95% of posters on...
I'm just really glad that Barron is getting his well deserved shot at making an honest buck in the business world. He's worked hard to earn this...
Truly feeble.
Donald Trump has the very best bone spurs.
Yes, the "reality" is that Donald Trump is a very nice man, who only says very nice things. Thanks for making that clear.
I'm actually pretty sure that Adolf Hitler didn't speak only in 5-7 word phrases and sound bites either, as that meme quotes him. But he...
LOL. What, are you trying to say the quotes aren't accurate........unless he said them in literally the exact words depicted? Like....if there...
I, for one, am absolutely OUTRGAED over this! Because of the name! Since when does Trump care about the damn rest of the world? As he...
Maybe his actual words can show you that it's not just that bad ole media being rilly rilly mean to him? Then you can stop being such a lemming,...
Except that Democracy IS at stake, when one side nominates a convicted criminal who also enacted a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election....
.....to attack the Capitol because they are angry about fake election fraud. I respectfully suggest an edit to your post.