Scrolling from thread to thread to thread. Repeatedly seeing Trumppublican leaning posters post absolute untruths......and then just walk away....
WADR, I disagree. She was spreading the Obama birther lies appx 10 years ago. And she has stuck with her vile adulterer without ever saying a...
Have you honestly not figured this one out yet? Ya know, if I were to put photos of modern day Germany in a book about Hitler and Nazi...
Not sure that referring to lies as so unbelievable as to be believed only by ignorami is the same as directly insulting someone. Speaking of...
Lol. But I don't call other posters names. Or deliver personal insults like "narrow minded."
That's witty indeed. But the Republican Senate Intelligence Committee found that Russia meddled in our 2016 election to assist Trump, and that...
May I please ask for some clarification : foreign ownership of our ports is bad. Foreign (Russian) meddling in our elections is OK?
Trumppublicans appear to have absolutely zero concern for those people, but who's to say why. It could be because they're out of the womb,...
Oh, please. Look at the lying liar you support. He even admits that he is lying. But you want to moan about KH's summer job? If I have to...
Their constant lying is astounding. As is its acceptance by grown adults. But there's a small burden on the rest of us too; we need to do what...
Jesus Christ man, do you not understand this issue enough to even post about it? So the governor encountered a decades old problem, and deferred...
Please don't use such pejorative labeling of other posters. It makes you appear angry, narrow minded, condescending, etc. And also emotional....
Anyone with at least minimal skills in reading comprehension. I'm very sorry you're having such difficulty.
Hard to understand this comment. You mean Walz was a teacher because he's selfish? A jerk? What DO you mean? Weird.
Trump doesn't give a single **** about our troops. He's just personally offended by the idea of looking bad because we were attacked by Iran under...
Definitely. I remember how Obama acted just like Trump does now. So did HRC and Biden, in fact. Not. Just another Trumppublican indulging in...
Ouch. You are trying to insult me. And it hurts. Your unkind words cut to the very core of my existence.
LOL. A lying weirdo who's in his 30s and has been a senator for two years for POTUS? No thanks!
Weird how, as you shill for anything supportive of Trumppublicans, you cling to the intent of.......something that didn't happen. Mot people...