No one on / 1 out Kc/F/B - Chadwick doubles to left center
No one on / 1 out B - Alford homers
No one on / 0 outs B/B/Kc/F - Goldstein grounds out to 1B
Bottom of the 8th Condon homers
Gators on the corners / 2 outs Robertson flies out to left 2/1/0/2 Gators 16-6
Men on 2B & 3B / 1 out B/Kc - Thomas hits to P and they get Kurland at home.
Pond full of Gators / 0 outs B/B/B/Kc/Kc - Donay grounds out to 3B. 1 in.
Pond full of Gators / 0 outs That calls for a new Earl: #30 Sr RHP Pancer (10.38, 0-0, 8.2 IP) Shelnut HBP. 1 in.
Men on 1B & 2B / 0 outs B/B/Kc/B/B - Kurland walks
Man on 1B / 0 outs Heyman singles to left
Top of the 8th Shelton HBP
Men on 1B & 3B / 2 outs B/Ks/Kc/B - Collins grounds out to P. What a schmuck. 3/3/1/2 Gators 14-6
Men on 1B & 3B / 2 outs Branch singles to right. 1 in.
Men on 1B & 3B / 1 out B/B/F - Gonzalez pops out to right
Men on 2B & 3B / 1 out Kc - Murillo reaches on E4. 1 in.
Men on 2B & 3B / 0 outs Jameson is done (good job!) and #13 RJr RHP Slater comes in (6.15, 4-2, 45.1 IP) F/Kc/B/F/Ks - Carter goes down swinging
Men on 1B & 2B / 0 outs Kc/B/B/F - Chadwick doubles to left/center. 1 in.
Man on 1B / 0 outs B/Kc/B/Ks/F - Alford single to center
Bottom of the 7th B/B/B/Kc/Kc/F/B - Goldstein walks
Man on 1B / 2 outs F/F/Ks - Cags goes down swinging 2/2/0/1 Gators 14-3