Agree. The euro won’t be doing anything while it has the albatross of Greece and Italy around its neck.
I’ll look up what Krugman says. He used to be a great economist. Then he figured out that writing for papers and guest appearances paid better....
Also, UK and Japan are not good examples to compare to. Maybe Japan of the 80’s but not for the last 25 years or so.
I’m not sure on the when. I suspect that what will happen is that when the value of the dollar drops due to lower demand on the world currency...
Do you sleep with your doors unlocked and windows open?
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry!
This is where you are missing the point. They don’t have to “pass the dollar” to wreak an incredible amount of damage to the dollar. This is not...
Whistling past the graveyard. Just like 2021
When it becomes the crisis that it WILL become, then it will be too late. Very similar situation to when the same folks who don’t think that this...