Why would they be “fearful”? Would they be any more “fearful” than any other employee who breaks their company’s rules? Are they any more...
If his schlong is a distraction to the young ladies, or their mother’s start spend an inordinate amount of time trying to help in the classroom or...
Yes, they are playing that card. Otherwise they would just quit and go find a job somewhere else (To listen to you libs anywhere is better to...
3 Only in a liberal company that likes to pay their like minded employees to sit around and do nothing all day.
Maybe you’re missing something here. Part of a counselor’s job is to help people deal with their issues to be prepared for a productive life....
In today’s world, anyone needing to take a hands on approach has got some issues. Maybe some of our incel friends would need to?
Have you all seen Ron White’s bit where his ex caught their son watching internet porn? It’s pure comedic genius!
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. You definitely need to get away from your tv, computer, and phone for a while and hopefully start living...
I first looked at this thread on Tuesday. My apologies for delayed posting but I had to research pornhub in order to make an informed response....
If he plays as hard as his dad and uncle we will hear his name alot
If it is verified then I’m fine with it. I don’t just run with a story either way based on a single report that’s not naming sources. Didn’t do...
I guess it’s too bad that you don’t get to do it that often then, correct?
Beautiful post!!!
You guys are running pretty far with a Daily Beast article. Hasn’t that dog bit you all more than once already?
Indeed it did!! Thank you for pointing that out Ray!
Kids keep us humble, don’t they?
As frustrating as Too Hot sometimes is, it is very much where we are as culture. The fringes on both sides get more air time then is warranted by...
Can’t speak for everywhere but local news in central Florida is almost harder to stomach than the national news. I’m a native Floridian so I have...
I gave up completely on “the media” during COVID and the “Peaceful Protests. Will go back occasionally if there is something big like an...