So are you assuming that since you were a homophobe and a bigot that all white people must be?
I’m not saying he’s done enough, but you can’t clear your hatred enough to admit that he is the ONLY one to do ANYTHING and that dates back way...
Since democrats did nothing before republicans control what gives you confidence that they would do anything if given the opportunity?
What did Graham and Chiles do for them? Do yourself a favor and don’t spend too much time looking it up.
I can see why you’re a lawyer: always “For The People”. RIIIGGGHHHTTT!!!
Im pouring a glass right now.
So NO ONE does anything for over 20 years( I don’t even think Chiles did anything for teachers). Some one comes along and FINALLY DOES SOMETHING...
That’s a little closed minded for a supposedly open minded liberal, isn’t it? We’re not running the risk of pots calling kettles black here are...
Go back into your hatehole. You can’t even give the man credit for giving out teachers the only the ONLY meaningful pay raise in decades so you...
Maybe you didn’t bring them up but you have damn sure referenced them in at least two posts in this thread. BTW, what is a “traditional” white...
Don’t forget gender, sexual preference, sexual deviance and most importantly making sure that zero people’s in the protected classes “feewings”...
And in that 20 years the only time that teachers got a meaningful starting pay raise was from DeSantis. You can blubber and bluster all you want...
I said Libbies Davis, not teachers. My apologies though, I can see that I wasn’t specific enough. I will agree with you about by and large...
I guess I should have said “truly” fearful. Not the imaginary and dramatic fearful being referred to here. And yes, I do talk to teachers. My...
Are you really and truly comparing these so called victims to the “folks at Auschwitz” (to borrow your flippant term)? Even you should be ashamed...
But you know that to libbies, their protected classes, classes and their teacher’s unions that as long as their feelings are good, and they are...
I don’t know of any large group of normal people who obey the rules that are “fearful” of going to work everyday. So don’t tell me these people...
If they were real, I would admit they are real. I can’t even say that’s a big If. They aren’t real. I don’t see the homeless playing cards, I...
I didn’t claim they had. But if they weren’t breaking rules then why in the world would they be fearful of anything. Back to the basics: They...
Typical. When you can’t win the argument, just insult.