Sad and unsurprising.
Hilarious that you gloss right over Okeechobee's posts saying the exact same thing but in a much more inflammatory manner. No doubt because "muh...
If I’m being completely honest, this country deserves to have Trump as its president. This is sadly who we are. Formerly great now Shit hole...
Can’t fix stupid
I kinda wish they would just release it all for the holocaust denial crowd.
Oh for sure. But he had an extra spicy run of shitposting last night.
Rick took out his gators frustration on Biden last night.
What an idiotic post.
At least you acknowledge that the political party you supported for your entire life was completely full of shit. I mean they still are but baby...
Doing the lords work.
Horrific video purportedly shows Gaza street strewn with at least a dozen bodies gunned down by Hamas Apologies if already posted but holy shit....
NIL baby! Sounds great. Let’s do that.
must be nice
Just when you thought Florida couldn’t get any shittier…
I’ll go with 18 and he gets out after 15 with his “aw shucks” routine.
Actually I take it back. I did have a slight headache. Totally forgot about it because it was short lived. I don’t know if I would have gotten...
So what do we think his sentence will be? I’ll set the over/under at 20 years.
Same. No issues.
Why do you keep mentioning Sanctuary cities? They aren't here illegally.
My apologies if I misunderstood you. When I disagree with someone I say they are wrong. Never once in my life have I said they are on the “wrong...